JAMB Commends Conduct Of Mock Exam, Explains Why Some Candidates Did Not Partake

JAMB Commends Conduct Of Mock Exam, Explains Why Some Candidates Did Not Partake

It has been disclosed that out of the 258,000 candidates that applied to partaek in the 2018 JAMB Mock exam held yesterday, only 211,000 candidates took part.

According to the JAMB Registrar, this was due to insufficient space to accommodate interested students in some of the computer-based centres across the nation.

He mentioned that it was not like the board could not allow all the candidates partake in the exam. However, due to the fact that centres are not evenly spread in all the states and in some states the number of candidates exceeded the nunber of facilities available in that case it is only logical for JAMB to pick just the number that the facilities within a town or state can accomodate.

The registrar said there would not be ‘mop-up’ for candidates noting that ”its either the candidates write the exam or do not do the exam”.

He experessed satisfaction over the conduct of the mock exam as out of the 602 centres being used, only six of the centres had challenges.

Similarly, the registrar said books or any reading/writing material, cameras, recorders, microphones, ear pieces, ink/pen readers, smart lenses, smart rings/jewellery, smart buttons and Bluetooth devices will not be allowed into the centres.

The registrar said the prohibition of materials is applicable to candidates, supervisors and examiners.


JAMB Commends Conduct Of Mock Exam, Explains Why Some Candidates Did Not Partake

JAMB Commends Conduct Of Mock Exam, Explains Why Some Candidates Did Not Partake

JAMB Commends Conduct Of Mock Exam, Explains Why Some Candidates Did Not Partake


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