Fed Poly Idah modified academic calendar for 2nd semester 2019/2020 session
Fed Poly Idah modified academic calendar for 2nd semester 2019/2020 session Due to the effect of Covid-19 Pandemic which led to the postponement of the commencement of the Second Semester of 2019/2020 Academic Session for two weeks, it became imperative to modify the Academic Calendar by two weeks to cover lost grounds.
Consequently, the Chairman of the Academic Board has given provisional approval of the modified Second Semester 2019/2020 Academic Calendar pending the ratification of the Academic Board as follows:
1. Arrival of All Students for Second Semester Excluding HND I LIS: 27/12/2020
2. Course Registration for All Students Excluding HND I LIS: 28-31/12/2020
3. Second Semester Lectures Begin for All Students Excluding HND I LIS: 18/1/2021
4. First Semester Main Examinations for HND I LIS: 8-20/2/2021
5. School Boards Meet to consider First Semester Main/Carryover Examination Results for All Students Excluding HND I LIS: 9-10/2/2021
6. Academic Board Meets to consider First Semester Main/Carryover Examination Results for All Students Excluding HND I LIS: 11-12/2/2021
7. Submission of Second Semester First Continuous Assessment Scores for All Students Excluding HND I LIS: 19/2/2021
8. Arrival of HND I LIS for Second Semester: 22/2/2021
9. Course Registration for HND I LIS: 22-26/2/2021
10. Second Semester Lectures Begin for HND I LIS: 1/3/2021
11. School Board Meets to consider First Semester Main Examination Results for HND I LIS: 10/3/2021
12. Academic Board Meets to consider First Semester Main Examination Results for HND I LIS: 11-12/3/2021
13. Submission of Second Semester Continuous Assessment Scores for all students Excluding HND I LIS: 19/3/2021
14. Submission of Second Semester First Continuous Assessment Scores for HND I LIS: 2/4/2021
15. Election Into All Registered Unions/Association of Student Bodies: 8-9/4/2021
16. Students Union Government Election Manifesto Day (Lecture free): 16/4/2021
17. Students Union Government Election: 17/4/2021
18. Second Semester Main/Carryover Examinations for All Students Excluding HND I LIS: 19/41/5/2021
19. Commencement of SIWES: 3/5/2021
20. Second Semester Main Examinations for HND I LIS: 10-22/5/2021
21. Commencement of 2020/2021 Academic Session: 19/4/2021
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