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English OBJ
They were classmates
She rather looked like an office chief administrator than a farmer
The writer does not see farming as a noble proffession
(i) Her determination
(ii) Her ability to secure a loan from the bank.
She was so successful that she won the best farmer of the country and employed three hundred persons.
It suggests that the writer is not as successful as funke in her own carrier.
(i) Noun clause
(ii) It is the object of the verb “was”
(i) Relax – Rest
(ii) Confident – optimistic
(iii) Refunded – repaid
(iv) Reveals – discloses
(v) Struggling – Striving
(i) Diseases affects the crops in the farm.
(ii) High cost of transportation resulting from cost of fuel and vehicle maintenance.
(iii) Wastage of farm produce due to lack of storage facilities.
(i) Government should support mechanized farming.
(ii) Storage facilities should be provided to reduce waste.
(iii) The farmers should be exposed to the use of modern farming practices and inputs.
Model, Academic, school,
Bende, Abia, State,
13th September, 2021
Dear Agtguru
Yesterday only I returned from Bombay where I had gone for an excursion with my school mates. I was ever so excited about the experience that I have just decided to pen it all to you.
We were forty boys all together, and all of us were from Std. IX. The class planned an outing to Bombay because most of us had not seen the town. The trip was for a total of fifteen days in which we had to cover both Bombay and Goa. It was real great fun more so because most of us had the opportunity of seeing both these places for the first time.
We left Delhi on the 10th of October by the train August Kranti, and were in Bombay on the 11th morning. With us there were four teachers also. Here in Bombay arrangements had been made in the hostel of a school for our stay. All of us, the teachers and the children were all put up in the hostel. The very first sight of the town gave me the impression of being neat, clean and above all disciplined very unlike our Delhi. Inspite of an overpopulated town and very busy public, there is obvious discipline in the town; we could see it all in the public places where we went.
I was absolutely fascinated at the sight of double deckers the moving double storeyed buses that run there. The local trains are also very good and regular there, a very convenient mode of travel to distances. Oh, what loads of passengers these trains carry for long distances? I wish Delhi could have such a mode of travel in the town it would ease the situation of traffic to a very great extent
While in Bombay, every day we used to go out in the morning after breakfast and return at night. The places we saw there were the Museum, the Zoo, Juhu Beach, Chowpatty, Marine Drive and the Gateway of India, besides many other tourist resorts in Bombay. The best of all was the Marine Drive, a beautiful location with an expanse of water in the centre encircled with massive concrete tall buildings, Oh! What a sight especially in the evening when the lights of the town around the water throw their lights in the water it looks just fabulous. This visit of Bombay has been a real treat, and I would love to go again to see more of it, and know it better.
After a week in the city, we went to Goa. This place is also known to be a haven for tourists. This place does not have so much of a variety of places to see like Bombay has. Goa is mostly known for its beaches. Here we had to stay in a hotel, as here the hotels are not too expensive as in other places of the country. In Goa we saw a few beaches only as here our stay was for only two days.
The excursion was really wonderful and experience to treasure as, this was the first time I went out with my friends and teachers and that also to Bombay. We saw two new towns both being of name and fame for tourists. The enjoyment was just doubled by the company and togetherness of all of us friends and our teachers. Here, the teachers were also more of friends and so we enjoyed their presence with us. From Goa we returned to Delhi and reached here yesterday. I was so excited that, within a day of my arrival home I decided to share my experience with you by penning it to you. Now, for at least two or three days, the excursion fever will reign over me and only after that, I will be able to get back to my studies. How I wish you could also have accompanied us, I am sure you would have enjoyed it all.
All else is fine here. Convey my regards to your parents.
There lived an old man who lived in a village. He had two sons and one daughter. They were all well settled in their city life. His children would send him money every month so that he did not have any crisis. They also used to send letters to know about his well being.
Once in a year his sons and daughter would come to pay a visit to him but for the rest of the year his only source of communication was the letters. sometimes he would go to the post master of the village to read the letters for him because he did not know to read and write. The postmaster always used to help the old man with reading and writing the letters.
But unfortunately that post master died and a young postmaster got appointed. That young postmaster was a rude person who did not want to help the man. Slowly his way of communication with his children got cut off. He use to remain very upset.
One day the head master of the village school came to him and asked about his disappointment. The old man told him that because of his being illiterate he is facing trouble to get in touch with his children. He described how he never went to school because of his commitments towards his family. After listening to his problem, the head master gave him a solution that instead of asking help from others he should once again start going to school and read and write.
The old man said everybody would laugh at him at this age studying. The headmaster told is better late than never. So following his advice the man joined the night school and started reading and writing. within few months he started writing letters to his children and getting their answers too. By then he did not have to go to anyone to read the letter. That day he was clear on the proverb that better late than never.
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